Exotic Animal Strike Team (EAST)

ASAR EAST Response
ASAR’s Exotic Animal Specialist Team is available for emergency down animal response and for scheduled medical procedures where Technical Rope Rescue Technicians and equipment might be needed.

Program Purpose
The Exotic Animal Strike Team (EAST) program was started in 2018 as the need for exotic specialists in structured disaster response was identified as a response necessity. ASAR and ZAHP Partnership continue to network and identify resource partners that may be interested in working to create EAST responders; with the goal being to bring disaster training to exotic facilities so they are better prepared to help themselves and each other when needed. The larger application is for this training to be widely used and eventually added to FEMA resource typing so EAST teams have a direct link with Emergency Management and Community Planning and response. EAST responders can participate at many different levels during response including:
- In-house technical responders
- Local and regional rescue specialists and leadership
- Regional planning and network specialists
- Field responder Subject Matter Experts (SME)
- Field responder ASAR Operations- Exotic Specialist
- Field responder ASAR Technician – Exotic Specialist
Training Standards
We customize our EAST training for each facility to meet the needs of that Staff. Below are some training standards offered for the EAST program through ASAR. Not all of these classes need to be completed for exotic industry SME’s to participate in disaster planning and response. Recommended training for EAST responders includes but not limited to:
- *Required* FEMA Independent Study online classes ICS 100, 200, 700, 800 - FEMA.GOV
- Heavy Extrication Ropes/Rigging training – 16 hours
- Confined/Enclosed Space Awareness – 4-8 hours
- Haz-Mat awareness – 8 hours
- Human first-aid/CPR/AED/Epi-pen
- ASAR Floodwater/Boat Operations – 24 hours
- ASAR Swiftwater Rescue – 24 hours
- High angle ropes/rigging (optional) but might be needed to rappel into enclosures
- Plus functional exercise training with other EAST teams
All of these trainings can be customized to be taught together; or customized programs to meet all levels of participation are available. For more information on how to bring the EAST program to your Staff and facility please contact us at info@asartraining.com.
Subject Matter Experts

McClure International Consulting
Mike McClure has worked in senior leadership roles in the field of exotic animal management for over 30 years and now operates McClure International Consulting. Mike utilizes his diverse experience to deliver support services for animal programs and provides specific expertise in elephant emergency response training. For more information about Mike see the ASAR Staff page.
View ProfileGiraffe Veterinary Services, PLLC
Dr. Liza Dadone is a zoo veterinarian with Giraffe Veterinary Services, PLLC, and serves as a veterinary advisor for giraffe in the American Zoological Association (AZA). With her clinical expertise in giraffe medicine, she collaborates with the ASAR team to assist with emergency response for giraffe both in zoos and in the wild. To see more about Dr. Dadone see the ASAR Staff page.
View ProfileEAST International

Program Purpose
The International component of ASAR’s Exotic Animal Strike Team (EAST) program was started in 2019 as the team realized the need for exotic specialists in structured disaster response was needed not just domestically but internationally as well. As the ASAR team continues to develop EAST responders domestically, they have also begun to identify international programs where disaster training is nonexistent but very much needed. International communities have many free-roaming, community exotic animals that while not in a facility, still require assistance when disasters strike. The ASAR team will bring disaster training to exotic facilities so they are better prepared to help themselves, community animals, Veterinary units, and each other when needed. EAST International responders can participate at many different levels during response including:
- In-house technical responders
- Local and regional rescue specialists and leadership
- Regional planning and network specialists
- Field responder Subject Matter Experts (SME)
- Field responder ASAR Operations- Exotic Specialist
- Field responder ASAR Technician – Exotic Specialist
Training Standards
We customize our EAST International training for each facility to meet the needs of that facility and their local community. Below are some training standards offered for the EAST International program through ASAR. Recommended training for EAST International responders includes but not limited to:
- *Required* FEMA Independent Study online classes ICS 100, 200, 700, 800 FEMA.GOV
- Heavy Extrication Ropes/Rigging training – 16 hours
- Confined/Enclosed Space Awareness – 4-8 hours
- High angle ropes/rigging (optional) but might be needed to rappel into enclosures
- Plus functional exercise training with other EAST teams
All of these trainings can be customized to be taught together; or customized programs to meet all levels of participation are available. For more information on how to bring the EAST International program to your staff and facility please contact us at info@asartraining.com.