Large Animal Rescue Operations (LARO)
Large Animal Rescue Training
Large Animal Rescue Operations (LARO) is a 2-day operations level course that encompasses aspects of large animal technical rescue; and focuses on the ropes and rigging skills that may be applied in various situations. This large animal rescue training includes both hands-on and classroom instruction. The Large Animal Rescue Operations class includes practicing rescue scenarios, use of lift mechanisms and a Becker Sling and the use of a life-sized, weighted horse mannequin with articulating limbs.

Course Topics
- Characteristics of large animals in stressful environments
- Restraint and containment of large animals
- Ropes, knots and rope systems
- Large animal sling lifts
- Roles of the animal's owner, veterinarian and law enforcement officers
- Live animal handling (optional)
- A-frame or Tripod use
- Customized scenario applications

Participant Requirements
Gloves (optional)
Good footwear
Proper clothing for the weather
Requirements to Host This Training Course
Facilities need to provide a classroom location for a powerpoint presentation and discussion the first morning of training
Area for rope class that includes open space and anchors to tie rope systems
Indoor or outdoor area for practical scenarios
Minimum registration requirement for this training is a class size of at least 20 participants and a maximum of 40 participants