ASAR Rescue Specialists
Animal Rescue Specialists - MOU and IGA Available
ASAR Training and Response offers small self-contained Animal Rescue Specialist Strike Teams to existing USAR and Task Force teams only. Our Specialist are trained in all-hazard response and can be deployed to support our MOU team partners during staging or event response; and can also be available through Inter-Governmental Agreement (IGA) for EMAC. Additional cooperative training is encouraged with our MOU partners to better merge existing resources, skills, and response capacity.
ASAR Specialist teams may provide the following when requested:
- Event management personnel for liaison at EOC
- Animal Rescue Technician(s) that can work in any disaster environment
- Animal handling equipment for both small and large animals
- Self-contained housing, field response boats, PPE, and transportation
- PIO and EOC LNO to manage animal resources in an impact area
- Custom response capability

For more information on an ASAR Response MOU or IGA draft consideration please email